Understanding Autism: Professional Dev Flash Drive

Type: Teacher Training
Price: $4.00


The Understanding Autism: Professional Development Curriculum flash drive is a comprehensive professional development tool designed to provide middle and high school teachers with the knowledge and evidence-based strategies needed to support their students with autism in the general education classroom. It is also a central component of the Curriculum in a Box resource.

To view the entire resource online, click here.



Please note that OAR's inventory is limited and restrict your order only to the resources necessary to you. Due to the high production cost of flash drives, this product is available for a small fee. If you are unable to cover the small fee, you may access the entire curriculum online or email programs@researchautism.org to request a free copy. All international shipping costs must be reimbursed to OAR.


For bulk orders, contact us at programs(at)researchautism(dot)org.

Click here for information about pricing.